Cultivate Your Inner Superpowers

Have you ever experienced abilities that you didn’t think you had in you?

We tend to learn best from times and experiences where things have gone completely wrong in our lives.

Lessons learned the hard way can be excruciating, but they’re like a train that takes us to destinations we didn’t even know existed.

We learn from our mistakes or going through hardships and tragedies that are beyond our control.

Hardships such as a financial hardship due to a layoff.

Or tragedies such as losing your parents when you were young.

These new experiences shape us into someone very different than before.

Despite the difficulties of having to deal with challenges like these, our mind and body are capable of extraordinary things. As we fight for our survival, we tap into powers we didn’t even know we had.

The heroes and freedom-fighters have risen through critical times in the history of mankind. They fought against injustice and oppression. They were able to find strengths deep inside. Even, powers they didn’t know they had in them. Yet, they rose up.

I like to call these inner strengths, Inner Superpowers.

I believe there are superpowers in all of us.

What Are YOUR Inner Superpowers

Yes, you have superpowers. We’re all given the gift. And no, you’re not being arrogant for thinking this way.

What are your superpowers?

  • Writing,
  • Connecting with others,
  • Listening,
  • Problem-solving,
  • Training your kids,
  • Your instincts,
  • Your intellect,
  • Empathy,
  • Helping others in need,
  • Advocating for those in need?
  • And the list goes on…

Cultivate Your Inner Superpowers

We all have different qualities. It’s okay to know your strengths. Spend some time to learn about yourself.

“You alone are the judge of your worth and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.”

Deepak Chopra

I once completed an exercise for a class. I was supposed to ask 10 people who knew me to complete a survey. The purpose of the study was to highlight my best qualities. The people among this group were my family, friends, and colleagues.

I was most surprised by the results I got. There were strength traits that I had never associated myself with. This exercise allowed me to see how others saw me. Not how I saw myself.

We usually don’t see the qualities of ourselves.

Ask your friends what they think are your superpowers. It can be an informative and stimulating exercise.

Nurture Your Superpowers Everyday

“We can change the world if we change ourselves as the ripples of our self-growth affect everything and everybody around us.“

If you’re at all a fan of Marvel stories, the superheroes always end up getting their superpowers amplified through their new-found powers. The new capabilities don’t change the hero, they enable the hero to do more with their abilities. Same as, how new-found powers only amplify the negative forces of a villain.

There’s a lot each of us can do every day. Some acts will be quite significant and some won’t, but they’ll touch someone somewhere nonetheless.

I can always vividly remember a kind gesture. No matter how small it may be.

Doesn’t it make sense to make someone’s day better through an act of kindness?

A simple gesture of kindness, a simple smile, holding the door open for a disabled person are all the little things all of us can do to help others.

Help Others Using Your Superpowers

With practice, you can further develop your abilities and help others. You can influence the world around you…

Motherly and fatherly duties are an expression of your superpowers.

Dedication as a friend is your superpower.

The ability to calm the people around you are your empathy superpower.

Selfless caring for your elderly and disabled parents is your superpower.

The volunteer time at your local school to help kids read better is your superpower.

I once met a gal who knits and sells socks to raise money for the poor kids in South America. This was an affluent lady who enjoyed knitting and loved to help those in need. That’s her superpower.

I’ve seen women grow and donate their hair for real hair wigs for cancer patients who lose their hair from chemotherapy.

There are endless examples of such heroism.

We have a choice when we see a need. Do we choose to give a helping hand?

Do we choose to rise up?

Final Thoughts:

You’ll know there will be times you have to push hard to resolve and process the difficulties that show up on your journey. But you have superpowers! Believe it…

As humans, we’re a resilient bunch.

You can think of many essential characters throughout our history who had to rise not because they wanted to, but because they choose to take a stand.

Using your superpowers will give you confidence. You’ll learn to make better decisions. Your superpowers not only end up improving your own life, but you can also be an agent of change in the lives of others.

So, take the time and learn about yourself. Dig in deep to see how you’d like to help those around you using your superpowers.

We don’t have to help thousands or hundreds of people. Our powers don’t have to save worlds. Even if we help one person, we’ve made a DIFFERENCE in one LIFE!