How to Embrace Change So You Live a Happier Life

The Human Brain and Body Are Capable of Discovering Profound Inner Strength and Resilience

Everything changes around us all the time.

The past is gone, and we don’t know what tomorrow holds.

Life has a way of asserting itself. No matter how hard we try to keep our lives stable, change continues to happen all around us.

Change is inherently a part of our of modern-day living.

The stresses of Modern-day living and having to cope with change are destroying our brain cells. If not managed, they’ll ruin our health too.

Worries keep us up at night.  We have bills to pay, kids to raise, and jobs to keep. And so on.

And yet, we try to control everything for the sake of providing stability for ourselves and our loved ones.

It’s quite the realization to recognize and accept the nature of the universe and the constant presence of change.

The good news is: life can become more manageable when we consciously live through the realization of change and what we can or can’t control.

Research shows that our brain has a lot of untapped potential, it can learn to create new neural paths to enhance our thinking.

I want to think, and research support this concept, the more we use our brain, the better our mind can help us cope with change. As the saying goes, what does not kill you makes you stronger. I know, it sounds cliché. But it’s true.

We learn to deal with stressful situations, and our brain learns to grow to accommodate the change.

Many people living through horrible life experiences will tell you their human brain, and their bodies were capable of discovering profound inner strength and resilience unknown to them before the event.

What Can We Do to Embrace Change

1. Know Your WHY

The first thing is first.

You must allow your mind to get quiet enough so you can evaluate your life, away from the daily troubles and distractions.

You owe this to yourself. Why? Because you only have one life to live.

Meditate. Sit still. Work in your garden. Go for a jog. Or sit in a park, watch the ducks in the water. Do whatever you need to do to quiet your mind.


Is the current state of your life how you wish to spend the rest of your life?

Life may seem long, with plenty of time for everything.

But I have news for you: Life is VERY SHORT and goes by REALLY FAST.

I know that my life is nothing like I had imagined. And I have a pretty good imagination just like the next person. However, my life is a collection of every single decision I’ve made along the way on my journey: some right decisions and some wrong decisions.

I’ve come to accept my decisions because it’s my responsibility to steer my life to the direction of my choice.

What brings YOU happiness?

  • Is it material things,
  • Is it able to spend time with your loved ones,
  • Is it of service to a cause,
  • Is it living a luxurious life that requires a lot of money?

Whatever your dreams and aspirations were when you started your journey as an adult, you probably have a different vision for your future now.

2. EXPECT Change In All Areas of Your Life

Don’t resist change. Embrace it!

Mentally accept change as part of every aspect of your life.

So when change happens, you won’t be surprised.

If you anticipate change, you can even recognize the change in your surroundings to grow and also succeed in life. You’ll see new opportunities for personal growth and business everywhere.

3. Life is Uncertain, Accept it

We don’t know what the future holds. But, we can make the best decisions we can, given the information we have at the moment.

Accept the facts of life:

  • Accept your inability to control anything or anyone
  • Accept you’re only responsible for YOUR behavior and actions
  • Accept the responsibility for your life and the decisions you make

And do all the above more CONSCIOUSLY.

Accepting the facts and being conscious is the first step to your modern-day living enlightenment.

Don’t blindly continue living the life of consumerism when you know, deep down, of the high price you pay with your commitment with your time, especially if you’re unhappy.

Base your decisions on how you’ll feel in your mind, body, and soul. It may be a painful change at first, but you’ll be on a better path long-term.

You’ll probably live a better and happier life later if you correct your path.

Most of us ended up in our current circumstances because of simple decisions we made along the way. Most likely, they were the best decisions we COULD make given the circumstances. But still, our current life may not be what we envisioned.

We have the power to change our lives. It can be in small increments in the right direction, working diligently toward it.

4. Live a More Conscious Life

Living a more conscious life means you’re present right now. You’re aware of your thoughts at every minute, and you’re able to be fully engaged with your life.

The past so consumes some of us. We lose sight of the present enjoyment of life and the potential the future holds.

Others may be so obsessed with the future; they’ve forgotten the past and the lessons they learned. They’re unable to enjoy the present because of the future.

We all need reminders to live more consciously in the present. I know I do.

Remind yourself daily. Give your mind time to process what you’re experiencing right now. Our brain can store vast amounts of information once we focus on the present. Give your mind time to store the information it receives.

5. Make a Plan

Okay, now that you’ve had some quiet time to ponder on the above foundational concepts, make a plan:

  1. Create a plan based on your long-term vision.
  2. Create a doable step-by-step action plan.
  3. And start taking action to bring your vision of your future-self to fruition.
  4. One task at a time.
  5. One day at a time.
  6. And stick to your plan.

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The Uncertainty of Life Can Fuel Our Gratitude

Life teaches us to learn from our past.

We know that we have a limited number of days living on this earth. We read about the death of famous people, and we witness death around us. Some day, I will die too. I don’t know when.

This fact alone helps me appreciate the present and those around me. It also helps me plan better for the future to make the best possible decision I can.

I wouldn’t appreciate the present or value my life as much if I knew I would live forever.

Scarcity promotes value.

So, live your life consciously today. Take time to enjoy all the beauty of this world and take time and think about your future.

Our Circumstances Are Unique

If you think about it,

The existence of the Planet Earth in this part of the galaxy while supporting life for humans and other life forms is a happy coincidence of the cosmic.

I say it’s our cosmic luck to be here at this point.

And all that is possible because of the process of CHANGE.

The earth, the sun, and everything around us changes every minute of every day.

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In Conclusion,

One thing I can always count on is change.

To master your life, learn to master your response to change.

Don’t resist it!

With a conscious mind, while embracing change, you’ll make better decisions.

You’ll live a more abundant, more meaningful, and happier life.

You have the power the steer your destiny to the direction of your choice.

Thanks for reading!