How to Get In Harmony With Your Life

Life will beat us down if we let it …

Have you been faced with an unexpected event in your life that turned your life upside down?

Sometimes, our lives feel like a hurricane with everything spinning out of control. This hurricane will go on ruthlessly destroying everything we worked so hard to keep stable. Then, once the storm has passed, we’re left with the wreckage of what’s left behind.

People who live in hurricane and tornado regions can relate to this metaphorical example. That’s chaos at work.

If this hasn’t happened to you, consider yourself very fortunate. But chances are, you’ve had an encounter of the sort.

It could’ve been a loss of a job, an illness, a financial setback, a failed relationship, or even worse, losing a loved one.

Life will beat us down and will keep us down IF WE LET IT!

How Do We Adapt To Life’s Constant Unexpected Turns?

In turbulent times, we as humans have been able to show incredible courage as victims and as heroes. These special powers come from an inner strength that helps us endure hardship, to persevere, and become a mentally tough person beyond our wildest dreams.

As highly intellectual beings, we’re born with the power to influence the world around us. We may not be able to control some things, but we can control our reaction toward them.

We can control our own thoughts. We can improve the universe within us. That’s right, you read correctly, the world within us. Even with the latest advances in medical science, so much is left unexplained about our complex mind and resilience.

We can do a lot to improve our mindset, where a lot of our genius is locked in. Like a gem in a treasure chest.

Wouldn’t life be more joyful if we knew we could handle most of the uncertainty life throws our way?

Consider the following concepts, incorporate them in your daily thoughts, and enjoy the harmony these beliefs will offer you:

1. Accept Life Is An Ever-Changing Companion

Everything changes all around us all the time. I think no-one argues that.

But mentally, we argue when faced with unexpected changes. We suffer while struggling to accept the change, which results in the feeling of being robbed from what we deserved.

The truth is, life happens and changes occur with or without our permission.

Our ability to manage our reaction to change defines whether we let life beat us down, or we rise up by dealing with the change. The first scenario will lock us in a state of despair. The latter scenario helps us move on to enjoy the beauty of the present and our lives.

Hence, our lives improve instantly when we simply accept change as a natural process of life.

Have you ever found yourself arguing with life? How it was so unfair for something to go so badly wrong. Or how a little mistake was the cause to lose a friend, upset a customer, or even worse, get you fired from a job. All these things can happen.

So, what happens when we accept life with all its imperfections?

Life changes, so we change with it. 

Sounds reasonable and doable, doesn’t it?

Imagine this for a mental exercise. We become in-tune with life. Like two dancers, dancing together in perfect harmony.

2. Change Is Not An Obstacle

We accept life’s challenges as a part of our fluid environment, not as obstacles.

Our perception of reality is now one that embraces change.

We expect change. Change doesn’t surprise us anymore. Nothing lasts forever, whether a good thing or a bad thing. The universe is not conspiring against us.

It’s just life!

As highly intellectual beings, we have the power to influence our environment by decisions we make when faced with challenges.

This fact alone should bring tremendous comfort to you.

3. Focus on What You Can Control

Acknowledge life’s constant state of flux. There will always be some things we can’t change, but there is a lot that we can control. Ourselves being the most essential part of this equation.

We can control what happens to us by controlling what happens in our mind:

  • We can control our thoughts and influence our mindset.
  • We can control our attitude toward life’s challenges.
  • We can control our responses to the outside world around us.
  • And above all, we can help others to do the same.

4. Adapt To What You Can’t Control 

If you think about it, everything gets resolved one way or the other. We simply struggle with the outcome we don’t like.

The undesired outcome can truly ruin our lives if we’re not ready to handle it.

Once we figure out we can function in this ever-changing environment, we’re in the driver’s seat.

Things will change around us, but our conscious mind is now capable to logically determine the extent of the damage and come up with a decision to deal with it.

Instead of feeling helpless and paralyzed by life’s challenges, we decide how to deal with what’s in front of us and solve it with a logical approach and move on.

With our instincts and our intellect, we have the power to shape our own destiny.

Hence, making the best decisions in any given situation.

Even if it’s something we can’t control. We control how we react to it. Why worry about something we can’t control at all. Instead, we mentally prepare our responses. In many cases, awareness and preparations can ease the difficulty.

Our instincts and intellect help us light our path in front of us.

That is the gift we’re given.

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Now imagine, the obstacles don’t look like obstacles, they’re just things that you need to decide how to handle.

Imagine you’re fully capable of facing and analyzing the challenges presented to you in a calm and orderly fashion. Then, you come up with a rational way to handle the problem.

Change is the essence of your world and the universe. And you have the power to ADAPT and INFLUENCE your world.

When faced with significant changes that can threaten your tranquility and your way of life, you simply tell yourself, you’re capable of finding a way to get through it.

Short of losing a loved one, which is a permanent event, there’s a lot you can do when faced with unexpected events in your life. So, take your time studying the problem and make the best decision you can.

Some call it a divine help. Some call it the power of the conscious mind. Whatever you want to call it, it refers to your ability to figure out what you should do next.

Such a thought process will have a positive effect on all facets of your life. Your mental and emotional health. Your relationships. Your financial state. Your work environment.

When faced with unexpected challenges, take a moment to breathe and tell yourself you can make the right decision!