Spring Never Arrives Fast Enough as I Wait with Anticipation

A poem on the renewed promise of Spring

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I look forward to the colors of Spring,
The poking shoots of Daffodils,
With their yellow blooms among the morning frost.

. . .

I’m promised a tempered winter, living in the Pacific Northwest,
The green grass hints the coming of Spring,
Even in the middle of Winter,
Under the towering evergreen conifers.
The green shoots, just waiting to poke through.
I remember the smell of moist soil, ready for planting the early greens.

. . .

The rain persists in a drizzling fashion,
a mist,
Watering the lush greens of the Northwest,
A companion I embrace living in this part of the world.

. . .

The overcast weather keeps the frigid air at bay,
Some find the clouds a source of sorrow,
If they have, perhaps they’ve already left the Northwest.

. . .

Here I remain,
Welcoming rain,
The rain nourishes my gardens and my soul.

. . .

The Pacific Ocean breeze travels over the emerald green mountain range,
And descends upon the picturesque pastures of my small town.

. . .

Here I live,
in this place,
In what I believe is the most beautiful place on God’s green earth.

. . .

The spring never arrives fast enough as I wait with anticipation,
I stand still,
Among the frosted meadow grass,
As the misty rain surrounds me,
Smelling the fresh ocean breeze hitting my face.

. . .

The most beautiful painting of all,
A gift to breathe the air and witness the beauty of nature that surrounds me.

. . .

What natural beauty surrounds you?
Take a moment,
Look up,
Reenergize your soul,
And cherish the BEAUTY that surrounds you!