To Create the Life You Envision, Strengthen Your Self-Awareness

Do you go about your day like a robot going through the motions?

We go through life mostly without a complete self-awareness. We don’t take the time to acknowledge our thoughts and consciously process what our mind is trying to tell us.

We take care of everything and everybody without taking care of our own emotional well-being. And our emotions run havoc when we don’t completely understand what’s happening in our thoughts.

Everything starts with the mind. The mind must process everything to tells us how to think and feel about events in our lives. Therefore, learning how to evaluate our thoughts will help us be happier, help us make better decisions, and have a more meaningful life.

Consider the following:

Know Your Why

Why are we here? What is the purpose of our lives? This may sound like a philosophical question but will help keep your thoughts centered every single waking moment.

It is worthwhile to ponder on this question. It doesn’t mean we have to become a monk. But knowing why we’re walking this Earth will clarify some of the fog we tend to get lost in throughout our daily life. A lot of times, messy lives. Where nothing goes right. Where, some days, we’re just trying to make it through the day in once piece.

Become more conscious about what matters to you. This will help you set your priorities. Not just for the day but for your life.

The better you get at identifying what’s important to you, the better you’ll connect with the life around you. And the more you’ll be able to achieve.

How can we get there if we don’t know where we’re headed.

Prime Your Mind For the Day

Take a few minutes to gather your thoughts and the purpose of your day. This can be done through meditation, while drinking your morning coffee, or merely 5 minutes of quiet time. Focus on what you want to accomplish for the day. Prioritize.

Write down the 3-5 tasks that you strive to accomplish for the day. Be realistic here. At least one of the tasks should address your long-term goal to keep you moving forward with your life-plan.

Next, write down the things or people you’re grateful for. This exercise will help you focus on gratitude while diverting your mind away from fear because fear and gratitude can not coexist together at the same time. If you’re grateful, you will not feel fearful. If you’re happy, you will not be angry. It’s all in mind. Your mind. In your control. It only takes some practice.

Throughout the day, be more deliberate in going about your day. Self-awareness is a map that will get you to your destination.

Throw Away the Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk may be through our own negative thoughts or through the negative messages we receive from those around us in our daily interactions with others.

Most of us have experienced negative messages at some point in our lives. It could be messages we received as a child from our parents. Or messages we still receive from those around you. Our mind simply takes these negative messages and processes them as negative experiences in our subconscious mind if we don’t consciously process them. Hence fueling our negative self-talk.

So you see how absorbing negative messages can negatively impact your perception of life. Even if they’re coming from yourself. So, don’t allow negative self-talk. Just refuse to let your mind dwell on negative self-talk. This is an essential skill for your emotional hygiene.

Then, replace the negative self-talk with a positive and purpose-focused thought in your mind. This strategy will help you move forward to the next step.

Negative self-talk is a poison for the soul. It will kill your creativity and cripple your motivation to create the life you deserve. With practice, you’ll be able to focus on solutions. Not problems.

Make Time To Meditate

We spend most of our lives reacting to the outside world. There’s so much that is outside of our control. It can feel overwhelming at times. Some days, it can be overwhelming all day.

But the good news is: you can control how you respond to your outside world.

By making time to meditate, you give your body and mind the time to decompress, destress, and regenerate. It doesn’t need to be a long session. Even 10 minutes of quiet time can do wonders for the health of your mind and body. Meditation is a powerful tool to help you clarify your perception, connect with your happiness, and improve your emotional and physical health.

Your mind will become like a warrior’s shield that will shield you from being affected by the unpleasantness. It will sharpen your processing skills and help you make much better decisions too.

I know I’m most in the flow of life when I’ve had the proper time to re-center my thoughts. I can be a lot more effective in everything I do.

You Have All The Tools To Change Your Life

And this is the truth. The fact is that our intellect and our instincts are the tools we can use to better our lives. Whether it’s the divine help or the evolution process, Whatever you believe in. We have the needed tools to consciously walk our path.

A lot of times, we know what’s the right thing to do. But we overthink it. Our thoughts get clouded by our insecurities, others’ judgments, and the uncertainty of life.

Give your mind the time it needs to process the information. Once you do that, you can make your decision and take the right action. You can move forward with confidence, knowing you’ve given yourself every opportunity to make the best decision you can make at the time.

You Can Create the Life You Envision!

Imagine being able to handle any challenge that comes your way.

Imagine making the decisions you can live without regrets. Yes, you will still make some mistakes. We’re not perfect. But for the most part, you’ll stay on track to achieve what you set out to do in your life.

So start your trek to the life you see yourself living!